The Age of Aquarius is upon us. We are now transitioning to a time that has been awaited for decades, if not centuries. It is the dawn of a new era so hyped up that some people truly feel we will enter some sort of egalitarian heaven, or at the very least, something better than our current state of affairs.
Here is some background to inform your ideas and expectations a little better.
The so-called Ages are cycles of about 2000 years per Sign. The Ages occur in retrograde order, meaning, they move backwards through the Zodiac. For instance, we are currently exiting the Age of Pisces, which is the twelfth and last Sign of the Zodiac, and instead of beginning a whole new cycle with Aries, the first Sign of the Zodiac, we are instead moving backwards towards Aquarius, the eleventh Sign.
Pisces, which we are leaving behind, is typified as the the Sign of the mystic, or dreamer. Pisces has the gift of true vision, and as such can see that ultimate truth that we are all one. By virtue of being the last Sign, Pisces is the ‘elder’ of the Astrological wheel. In this final, elder stage, the veil between worlds thins dramatically. There is not real division between the sacred and the profane, between this world and the next; separation is illusion. Pisces sees the bigger picture and is convinced that we really could all just come together and sail off into forever.
Yet, looking at the past 2000 some years that consisted of the Age of Pisces, you couldn’t say that any of it resembled a spiritual paradise that you would expect from Pisces. But, it must be reminded that people did attempt to create a spiritual, unified paradise, over and over again in many misguided, different forms. From crusades to colonialism, forcible conversions and holocausts, nationalism, imperialism, fascism, supra-national governments and banks, communism, communes, revolutions, closed religious communities, cults, doomsday religious movements, all were aimed at creating some form of unity and eternality during the Age of Pisces.
Piscean perspectives translated poorly because while Pisces is an Astrological archetype concerned with mass consciousness and spiritual elevation, humans do what humans do.
Now we are moving into the Age of Aquarius. For comparison, where Pisces is the dreamer, Aquarius is the idealist. Pisces wants to dissolve differences and bring people together, while Aquarius is a hyper-individualist'/outsider, who sincerely believes that he knows what is best for all. Pisces is the mystic, Aquarius is the revolutionary. Unlike Pisces, who lives almost exclusively by vibes, Aquarius lives through his ideas and ideologies. And unlike Pisces, Aquarius does acknowledge limitations, but wants to smash them. You see, Aquarius is determined to adapt reality to his perspective, ready to build something completely anew. Like Pisces, Aquarius can see the bigger picture, but in an entirely different way. Aquarius is more interested in society than in people, in the ends more than the means, and is generally unafraid of discomfort, willing to sacrifice for long-term pay-offs. Aquarius is firmly focused on the future, is tech-savvy, and inherantly political.
Therefore, in lieu of imagining the Age of Aquarius as some sort of idyll, let’s examine some of the very real indications of humans doing what humans do while moving into Aquarius:
-Choosing personal spirituality over organized religion
-The rise of terrorism and extremism
-Fringe politics
-Rapid technological advances
-Surveillance and tracking
-Personal disconnection
-Splintering of identities + identity politics + intersectionality
-Political correctness + censorship
-Increased accessibility of information and expression platforms
My goal in writing about this new Age is not to frighten anyone or disparage any Sign. As a collective, we have and will continue to move through all the Signs. I wanted only to communicate that Aquarius is not a cushy end goal. Know that the freedom and liberation that Aquarius endlessly seeks has the potential to work out any which way. Aquarius is the Sign of the Revolutionary, and looking back on past revolutions, regardless of their aspirations, they had mixed results. Note the responsibility that we, people, have to carry this revolutionary age towards better, more conscious options.