Cancerian Full Moon

This morning, the almost perfectly full Moon shifted over into Cancer in order to reach its peak fullness this evening.

Energetically, Cancer represents maternal energy which can express in one of two ways; one is the nurturing, protective, enduring mother figure and the other is the stifling, controlling, jealous mother archetype. 

One is mature, honest, and vulnerable, the other is immature, conniving, and self-centred. Both are well-documented both in spiritual traditions as well as in psychological studies and let me tell you that the Cancerian Moon is the perfect domain for exploration of both sides of the maternal and everything in between.

The mature version of the ‘mother’ is best expressed in the Mother Mary Christian figure who guided, assisted, supported, but also, allowed her Child to fulfil His duty and His goals, even in the face of knowing it would lead to His own detriment.

The under-developed, sometimes referred to as all-devouring mother figure can be represented by the Greek Goddess Demeter, who already had so much under her control, and yet viewed her Daughter as another department to manage; never allowing her Child to discover herself or live independently, effectively sealing her Daughter’s doom - that of being forever subject to others’ demands.

This Full Moon in Cancer has us in all our neediness. We each of us have a need to be nurtured, whether our experiences with the mother archetype have been good or bad, they were no doubt complex - and this uniting need to nurture and be nurtured will feel exposed and raw tonight. Therefore take especial good care of yourselves tonight and throughout this holiday season. Let’s face it; what we needed and continue to need in terms of the primordial maternal energy is not always available and therefore tenderness with ourselves is paramount.

It is of particular significance that Chiron stations Direct tonight as well. Chiron is the celestial body that is interested in how we address our pain and of how it deepens our understanding of life; Chiron above all offers the perspective of purpose and the ability to create and maintain dignity. In the depths of maternal wound this Full Moon, we have Chiron to guide us through.