November 12, 2019
Sometimes we get so caught up in the story, in the daily grind, in the details, and yet we wonder why we aren’t moving forward. We keep doing the same things expecting different outcomes when we know, at least at the intellectual level, that if something isn’t working, it’s time for a change. But change is daunting, isn’t it? It requires us to be honest with ourselves, which might necessitate some uncomfortable changes, and noooooo one jumps into discomfort eagerly. That’s a fact. Yet, in many ways we are all getting a not so subtle cosmic push to make fundamental changes.
If you follow me on Instagram you will have noticed that I wrote and spoke about today’s Full Moon and some other pertinent Astrological Aspects, namely, the placements of both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. To elaborate, Saturn and Pluto are both ‘teacher’ Planets. Their job is to make us better humans and, like all good teachers, they don’t mind giving you a hard time when you need it. Saturn is more of a taskmaster, dispensing toughening lessons and discipline, while Pluto puts you to the test on the larger matters of character, behaviour, and loyalties. The two of them are teamed up together in Capricorn, the Sign that likes to think of itself as practical, but is actually perpetually caught up in endless endeavours of overcome, to better and to show up on others. Capricorn simply wants to win in all the ways and will absolutely not back down. So what, dear reader, does this bode for us since both stern Saturn and unforgiving Pluto are in Capricorn? Well, only you know how this is manifesting in your life. But needless to say, our need to be right and our one-up-manship is being tested. Pride is being taken down and concern with appearances is depleting. Taking their places are knowledge, skills, patience and above all recognition and acceptance of self.
This journey being a long one, it is being punctuated by various check-ins of progress. For instance, about half way through this evolution is this morning’s Full Moon in Taurus, which was so stable and sure, calm despite all the shifts and falling away of false priorities for the real thing. We are well on our way to the heart of our potential and fate and alignment or however you choose to think of it, and by now are not easily shaken. Well done.