Approaching the middle of the Planetary order is Saturn, the Planet known for its strict disciplinarian energy, providing us with the necessary tough love guidance to keep society in check. Because this Planet is inching closer to us, his impact will be more personal, but still very pertinent in his influence on the Collective.
It is worth noting that Saturn was in Aquarius for the duration of the Covid era, forcing the customary Aquarian issues of power usurpation, identity, ideology, and rebellion. However, since March 7th of 2023, Saturn has been transiting Pisces, and that comes with a whole perspective on where we have lost ourselves to groupthink and a false sense of belonging. This Piscean transit, which will continue until February of 2026, involves a good deal of heartache and disappointment at discovering that things were not as selfless and unified as they appeared. This transit brings significant lessons necessary to maturing in perspective through the realization that although from a Higher Perspective, we are all one, but in our everyday world, we continue to live out our traumas and biases, which can bring about betrayal in many forms - on both the societal and the personal scale. Under Saturn in Pisces, true motivations and power struggles are revealed and therefore alliances are broken again and again before they can be reformed in integrity.
Coming up is the last in this series, Jupiter in Gemini