Neptune, as the second farthest out Planet in our Solar System, also exercises its influence on the collective. Because Neptune’s energy dictates the deepest hopes, dreams, and desires of the people, (whether they admit them consciously or not), Neptune governs the Collective Unconscious.
Neptune has been residing in Pisces since 2011, where he has been very comfortable and very, very powerful. Afterall, Neptune rules over Pisces and the Piscean nature is intuitive, forgiving and unifying, and therefore is the perfect space for Neptune to spread his influence. As such, Neptune in Pisces is rocking the world with the Collective’s underlying motives since 2011 and will be until 2025. This can be continually shocking, because afterall, these are Unconscious desires; consciously we may be pushing for something completely different altogether.
However, in Pisces, the agenda(s) is revealed to be the Collective’s desire for resolution for all, and unity. Many would argue that this desire is merely the result of disillusionment with the status quo and deciding what that improvement will look like, is the subject of a constant back and forth debate stemming from our various world-wide tribal identities. Nevertheless, the general longing for a better way is palpable in the countless world-wide protests, dramatic shifts in governance, wars, and the rise of like-minded movements via technology. It may be said that certainly, events of such magnitude obviously affect us individually, but as with all Outer Planets, the influence of Neptune on the Collective is top down.
Next up, Uranus in Taurus